Sunday, September 15, 2013

Objective of Work Sheet

To avoid errors in the permanent records of accounting
To check accuracy of financial statements

Chart of Accounts
each company keeps a chart of accounts that lists each account the company has. it's divided into 5 sections: assets, liabilities, equity, revenue and expenses. every of those accounts is within the company's book, wherever balances of every account are maintained. an accounting worksheet begins by listing every account and also the balance each account has.

Work Sheet

A sheet of paper with columns in which accounting data are required at the end of accounting period for analysis is called work sheet.

A worksheet is a sheet of paper, or on a computer, on that problems are worked

A worksheet generator is a software program that generates problems, particularly in mathematics or numeracy. Such software is commonly used by teachers to make classroom materials and tests.

Process Loss

The loss that occurs in the course of converting an input raw material into finished product is known as process loss. Such a loss could occur because of the nature of the raw materials. this type of loss occurs in terms of the difference between the input amount and the output amount.
 The difference between the input amount and the output amount arising on account of production operation is called process loss.

Normal Loss 

Abnormal Loss


Abnormal Loss

A loss which is avoidable through precautionary measures is called abnormal loss. For example: Loss by fire, accident.

The loss realized over the normal loss is termed an abnormal loss. Abnormal loss arises because of abnormal working conditions, unhealthy working condition, carelessness, rough handling, lack of correct data, low quality material, machine breakdown, accident etc. thus an abnormal loss is unanticipated unanticipated loss. Abnormal loss could be a controllable loss and thus is avoided if corrective measures ar taken. Therefore, abnormal loss is also called an avoidable loss.
The value of an abnormal loss is assessed on the premise of the production cost with which the profit and loss account is charged. 

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Normal Loss

A loss which is unavoidable is called normal loss. For example: Leakage, wastage,

The loss expected or anticipated before production is a traditional method loss. it's thus referred to as a standard loss. A provision for such a loss is created before the nature production. Weight losses, shrinkage, evaporation, oxidization etc. are the samples of normal loss. traditional loss will increase the price of production of the usable goods realized.


A liability of uncertain amount is called provision.

In financial accounting, a provision is an account that records a present liability of an entity to another entity. The recording of the liability affects each the current liability side of an entity's balance sheet as well as an appropriate expense account in the entity's income statement.


An amount of money borrowed by one party from another is called debt.

An amount of money borrowed by one party from another. several corporations/individuals use debt as a way for making giant purchases that they might not afford under traditional circumstances. A debt arrangement gives the borrowing party permission to borrow money under the condition that it's to be paid back at a later date, usually with interest.
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